Don’t become devastated by an Early Decision or Early Action admissions deferral. Fight back and earn your spot at the college of your dreams.
If the college or university that defers you remains one of your top choice colleges, there are a number of steps you can take to give yourself a fighting chance for regular decision. Watch the video below or read on to find out how.
-Write directly to the admissions office informing it that this college or university is still your number one choice, that you appreciate the fact that you will be up for consideration for admission again in the regular admissions cycle, and that you would definitely attend if accepted.
-Make sure that you keep the admissions office updated with any and all new developments since your initial application. Any new honors, grades, scores, activities, and awards are worth mentioning in this letter. Make sure that your high school counselor sends out your new transcript promptly at the end of the first semester ( or 2nd Trimester). This means that you want to keep earning very high grades for the duration of your senior year.
-Depending on the school, sometimes deferred candidates can interview again or for the first time. Find out if this is an option by contacting the admissions office. The very act of calling to ask shows that you are still eager to attend.
-Remain positive in all communications with this college or university and with your school counselor and communicate to your school counselor how much you still want the opportunity to attend this college or university.
-Contact all contacts that you have talked with through the college admissions process that are in any way related to this college or university. Remind them that you are still dedicated to this college or university and ask them if they have any recommendations as to how you can demonstrate your continued commitment to this college or university.
Finally, make sure to complete your remaining applications (and interviews) to a very high standard. Make sure that you have safety schools on your list that excite you. This will give you more college options come March/April.