As IELTS experts, we spend a lot of time answering questions about IELTS Exam preparation and the best ways to go about preparing for this all-important exam during a global pandemic.
Online education is becoming the new normal during a time when nobody wants to leave their home unless absolutely necessary. Many still think there is a one-size-fits-all magic formula for preparing for the IELTS (International English Language Testing System), and I think it’s time that we dispel this myth once and for all, and in so doing, here are a few hard truths about IELTS Online Test Preparation.
Hard Truth #1: IELTS Test Preparation is Different for Different people
While some people are ready for taking their IELTS tomorrow; some may be best positioned to do well on the IELTS only after six months of hard work ahead of them. It depends on the individual. Students often feel that this isn’t the right test for them. Unfortunately, just because something worked for someone you know, doesn’t mean the same will work for you. It is important to understand your areas of improvement and take coaching from an Online IELTS institute that is able to provide personal attention to you. There are various diagnostic tests available on the internet. You can attempt those diagnostic tests and find out your weak areas. Any exam preparation is different for different people. It all depends on what strategies the individual best responds to.
Hard Truth #2: Direction plays a key role
We know there is a lot of free information available on the internet, and we know you want to “teach yourself” using this free information. But trust me; we talk to dozens of people on a daily basis that thought the same thing. Why should you take IELTS Training when there is so much free material available on the internet? Well it’s free but not structured, a Top IELTS Online coaching institute will be able to provide you with a proper training plan, tips and tricks, and feedback on areas in which you need the most improvement. Guys, you have to think a lot before choosing whether to join a prep program or engage self preparation, I get it. IELTS is an expensive exam; I think it’s better to take prep seriously and engage in structured expert prep if you can afford it.
IELTS Online Test Preparation Recommendations
1: Figure Out your Level
The first thing that you should do when you decide you’re going to prepare for IELTS at home is to find out exactly what your current level is. Then you can make an appropriate timeline and some realistic goals. NEVER book your IELTS test date before knowing and assessing your level. You will certainly regret it. Most online IELTS classes will be able to provide you with a free mock IELTS test that you can take to assess your own level.
2: Build on your Weaknesses
Once you know what your level is, stop practicing the questions immediately. The practice questions were good enough to give you the format of the test. Now is the time to focus completely on building up the weak skills that you have identified. Look for Online IELTS coaching that provides you with skills-building lessons on grammar, vocabulary, and other important skills required to crack the IELTS Exam.
3: Start Practicing Again
Once you have worked on your weaknesses, it’s time to start practicing IELTS questions again. This time, you can focus more on understanding the format of the test, such as how the questions and information will be presented to you. Many institutes have designed full length mock tests for IELTS very similar to the final IELTS exam. Some even have module based tests. It may be the case that you are good in listening and weak in writing, and if so, then you can practice more questions within the writing module.
4: Get Feedback from an Expert
Once you feel that you are ready for the IELTS, it’s incredibly helpful to get feedback about your progress from someone who knows what they’re talking about. This can be a tutor in your daily life or a trained IELTS prep partner. If you decide to do this before taking your test, chances are you will have a lot more knowledge and confidence, which will make it much more likely for you to succeed on your first try! Guidance from an expert plays an important role in cracking IELTS exam in the first attempt.
What’s the Final Message for IELTS Preparation Online?
Remember, you are a unique individual. Your Online IELTS test preparation is not going to look the same as your friend’s preparation. If you want to succeed on your first try, you need to be honest with yourself about your weaknesses and you need to be realistic about your timeline. And if you need help, get it from an expert.