Formal college-sponsored campus tours and information sessions are awesome opportunities to learn more about colleges and universities and if they are the right fit for you. Yet, staying on campus after the sun sets is an even better opportunity to get a real feel for if the college or university you saw during the day is also a good fit for you at night.
Get Equivalent to High School Diploma Without GED
An increasing number of states are offering alternatives to the GED in order for individuals to earn their high school diploma equivalency, a necessary prerequisite to earning two-year and four-year degrees in the United States. Check to see if your state allows students to complete the HiSET or TASC in order to earn your high school diploma equivalency. Also, unlike the GED, the HiSET and TASC can be completed on a computer or on paper.
Should I Take SAT/ACT with the Optional Essay?
Starting in 2016, both the SAT and ACT are available with or without an essay section. These has led many students to question if its worth taking these tests with their options essays if they don’t have to do so. In this video, we have the definitive answer.
Financial Aid Acronyms 101: COA – EFC = FN – TA = UN + EFC = NPF!
Your College’s Cost of Attendance minus your Expected Family Contribution equals your Family’s Need minus Total Aid equals your Unmet Need plus your Expected Family Contribution equals the Net Price for your Family each academic year you are in college. Get it? Good!
Yes, Instant Admission is a Thing, and it’s Awesome
You may know all about Regular Decision, Early Decision, and Early Action, but do have you heard about the most exciting type of Admission? Instant Admission is pretty much the dream of every student and every admissions officer; it’s fun, fast, and exhilarating.
All About Early Decision
When you apply Early Decision you send you application in by a specific early deadline and receive an admissions decision earlier than regular decision (usually in the middle of December). If admitted Early Decision you must attend that college. You will be required to sign a statement agreeing to this binding policy – and so will your counselor and your parent(s). Once admitted Early Decision, your high school is not allowed to send your transcripts, teacher recommendations, and school profile to any other colleges on your behalf and you must withdraw any pending applications to other colleges while also informing colleges that have already accepted you Rolling or Early Action or Priority that you must decline their offers of admission.
• Going for Early Decision must be well thought out and carefully contemplated. If you applying to a college Early Decision (ED) it should be your first choice college and you should have visited and attended an informational session for that college. Early Decision should be discussed in detail with your counselor and family.
• The only way to nullify an Early Decision commitment is if the financial package is insufficient; however, this is not always possible and even if it is, this may not leave you much time to apply to other colleges.
Priority Admission vs. Regular Decision
Comparing Priority Admission and Regular Decision is not that hard to do. What is hard to understand is why anyone would miss applying by a college’s priority deadline and in the process settle for applying Regular Decision.
When you apply Regular Decision you are applying by a college’s Regular deadline, which is typically in early winter (January or February). Students can apply to more than one college Regular Decision. Decisions tend to be received between March and April.
Priority Admission is when a college sets a date by which applications given the most consideration must be received. This date precedes such colleges’ Regular Decision deadlines. Students can also apply to more than one college Priority. Plus, Priority Admission is non-binding, which means you don’t have to attend the college if admitted. If a Priority Admission deadline is offered by a college on your list, you would be crazy not to apply by this date.
Watch the video below for a more contextualized discussion on the topic of Priority vs. Regular.
All About Rolling Admission
Rolling Admission colleges review applications as they are received and make decisions on an on-going and space-available basis. Chances of acceptance at a Rolling Admission college improve greatly if the completed application is sent during the late summer (August or September) of a student’s senior year in high school.
No $$ or 529 Plan, No Problem; Keeping Colleges Away from Your Money at All Costs
There is one simple, but controversial, step that your parents can take to save major money on college tuition. While this advice is not for most, it could help a few of you, so it’s worth sharing.
The Best Time to Ask a Teacher for a Letter of Recommendation
While most students spend a lot of time pondering who to ask to write a letter of recommendation on their behalf, too many students put little to no thought into when to ask such a favor.