University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Off to the races! The 2020 application for the University of Alabama went live on July 1. Those students with questions about the process of applying to the increasingly-popular-with-out-of-state-students public university in Tuscaloosa, Alabama are encouraged to contact their UA Regional Recruiter.
Yet, it’s not just aggressive Alabama that is attempting to fling open the doors of its Fall 2020 first-year application in the dead of Summer 2019; the Coalition Application, too, likes to be strong out of the gate each summer by going live on July 1, one whole month before its larger competitor, the Common Application, which is available to rising seniors on August 1.
Yours truly, upon hearing about design and functionality upgrades to the 2019-2020 Coalition App, tried to create an account to review the application this morning, but never received the verification email to complete the process of creating an application. I then asked for the verification email to be resent. Still nothing. I looked in my inbox, I looked in my spam folder, I looked under by bed – but it was nowhere to be found. So, an official review of the 2019-2020 Coalition App will have to wait until a later date.
(Update: about an hour after publishing this article, the writer received two verification emails from the Coalition Application, which permitted access to the application; a review of the 2019-2020 Coalition Application will be forthcoming in this space in the near future)
Other colleges either never take their applications down or have also made available their 2020 application before Independence Day. Notable names in this category include Georgetown University and Wake Forest University.